Sun-Kissed and Protected: A Guide to Beach Essentials

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There’s no denying the allure of a beach day. Whether you’re a seasoned beach enthusiast or a newcomer to the sandy shores, proper preparation is key to a fun, relaxing and safe day in the sand.  Grab your favorite swimsuit and your cutest beach bag and let’s pack for the perfect day at the beach.

1. Sun Protection Essentials:

Before the fun begins, let’s get the serious stuff out of the way.  The cornerstone of any beach outing is sun protection. Exposure to harmful UV rays can lead to sunburn, premature aging, and even skin cancer. Therefore, packing the following items is crucial:

  • Sunscreen for face and body: Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) to shield your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. Remember to reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating.
  • Sunscreen for lips:  Your lips need protection too! Carmex Weather Guard’s ultra moisturizing formula contains SPF 30 to protect your pout from damaging UVA and UVB rays. It’s water resistant for up to 80 minutes so make sure to reapply.
  • Sunglasses: Protect your eyes from UV damage and reduce glare with a pair of UV-blocking sunglasses. Look for lenses that offer 100% UVA and UVB protection.
  • Wide-brimmed Hat: Not only does a stylish hat elevate your beach look, but it also provides additional shade for your face and neck, complementing the protection offered by sunscreen.

2. The Essential Accessories:

Elevate your beach outing with these must-have items:

  • Beach Towel: Opt for a spacious, highly absorbent towel to relax on the sandy shores or dry off after a rejuvenating swim in the sea.
  • Swimwear: Make it cute and comfortable.  You don’t want to be stuck on your towel all day because you don’t feel super comfortable walking, swimming or playing in the sand.
  • Cover-Up: A dress or shorts are the perfect cover for hopping from the beach to the streets.  
  • Beach Umbrella or Tent: Create your own shady oasis by bringing along a beach umbrella or tent. This gives your body a sun break especially during peak hours.

3. Beach Day Delights

A day at the beach isn’t just about soaking up the sun and splashing in the waves—it’s also an opportunity to indulge in delicious treats.

  • Hydration Heroes: Staying hydrated is paramount during a day spent under the sun. Pack plenty of water to keep you refreshed and replenished throughout the day. Use ice packs to keep your water and other items cool. Additionally, bring along electrolyte-enhanced drinks or coconut water to restore essential minerals lost through sweating.
  • Snack Attack: Keep hunger at bay with an assortment of snacks that are easy to pack, transport, and enjoy on the go. Opt for snacks that provide sustained energy and are resistant to melting or spoiling in the heat. Some great options are fresh fruit (frozen grapes are perfect), trail mix, protein bars or wraps. 
  • Eco-Friendly Essentials: As you pack your beach day delights, remember to prioritize sustainability by opting for reusable containers, utensils, and beverage bottles. Minimize single-use plastics and strive to leave only footprints behind as you enjoy your beach excursion.

A day spent at the beach is an opportunity to unwind, bask in the sun, and reconnect with the wonders of nature. Just remember proper preparation is the key to truly make the most of your day. Of course, don’t forget to include Carmex Weather Guard SPF 30 for your lips to keep you smiling all summer!  So gather your things and get ready to immerse yourself in beach life.

Source: This blog post was written in part by OpenAI’s ChatGPT (March 2024)

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